Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world
NAPTOSA, the second largest union in the education sector, was registered by the Registrar of Labour Relations as the Trade Union on 1 November 2006. Furthermore,
NAPTOSA enjoys all the rights of a trade union and operates within the National ELRC under the name of the Combined Trade Unions (CTU), called CTU – ATU. The Provincial Autonomous Teachers’ Unions (ATU) consist of NAPTOSA (the corresponding party), NATU, PEU, PSA and SAOU.
NAPTOSA is the only education sector union that is truly representative of the demographics of South Africa. Its strength lies in the diverse backgrounds of its members, bound by a common commitment to professionalism and to educating the youth of South Africa.
Provincial Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson
Gauteng PCEO
Annexure A GDE Bursary Application Form 2024-25 Signed 2024-25 Busaries for CS School Based Educators Memo
In accordance with the Public Sector Co-ordinating Bargaining Council Resolution 2 of 2023 read with applicable directives in Circular No. 11 of 2024 issued by the Director-General of the Department of Public Service and Administration(MPSA), it is determined that for all qualifying employees employed in terms of the Employment of
IN TERMS OF CLAUSE OF PSCBC RESOLUTION 7 OF 2015, THE GEHS IS MANDATED TO ADMINISTER THE APPLICATION OF THE HOUSING ALLOWANCE Gauteng has the lion’s share of employees eligible for, but not receiving, the housing allowance. If you are not using the benefit you stand to lose R1 691.38
A breakdown of the minimum and maximum notches for CS Educators, updated April 2023